Wine & Roses Sponsorship Opportunities

Click HERE to view or download full sponsorship details

Align your business with one of the premier events in Sumner County,

all while helping your community.

For questions, email us at and someone from the sponsorship committee will contact you.

*  The deadline is February 28, 2025, to be a Wine & Roses event sponsor

Sponsorship Form

I would like to sponsor the event at the following level:

____ Red Wine Sponsor. Investment amount: $10,000.

____ White Wine Sponsor. Investment amount: $5,000.

____ Music Sponsor. Investment amount: $2,500.

____ Whiskey Barrel Sponsor. Investment amount: $2,500.

____ Valet Sponsor. Investment amount: $2,500.

____ Sober Ride Sponsor. Investment amount: $2,500.

____ Rose’ Sponsor. Investment amount: $1,000.

____ Yellow Rose Sponsor. Investment amount: $500.

Name:___________________________ Date:____________________

Company name:_____________________________________________

E-mail:__________________________ Phone: ____________________

To Pay by Check 

Mail your check with this form to:

Hendersonville Rotary Foundation. P.O. Box 2703,  Hendersonville, TN 37077

To Pay Online

Scan the QR code below from Venmo or PayPal

Search for


Use “Sponsorship” in the description

Or sign in to your account online: or

Venmo QR Code