Wine & Roses Tickets

Tickets are $150 per person and include:

Admittance to Wine & Roses

Unlimited Wine & Bourbon Tasting

Heavy Hors d’oeuvres

Valet Parking

Sober Ride Home


To Pay Online

Scan the QR code from Venmo or PayPal

Search for


Use “Tickets” in the description

Your name will be added to our list of ticket holders.

When you arrive at the venue, checkin at the ticket table.


For other payment methods


Service Above Self

The Hendersonville Rotary Club is a community service organization whose one purpose is to help the members of our community through local charities such as The Hendersonville Samaratin Association, Community Child Care, Christmas 4 Kids, Bows & Ball Caps, Grace Place Ministry, college scholarships for local high school seniors, monthly bike giveaways for deserving elementary students, and so much more.